Home » Snabbflirt: Reviewing the Popular Online Dating Platform

Snabbflirt: Reviewing the Popular Online Dating Platform

Are you ready to find your perfect match? Looking for love but don’t know where to start? Look no further than Snabbflirt, the latest and greatest dating site on the market! But is it really worth all of its hype? We put this popular platform through its paces so you can decide if it’s right for you. So what are ya waitin’ for?! Let’s dive in and see how Snabbflirt stacks up against other online dating sites.


Ugh, Snabbflirt is like the bargain bin of dating sites. It’s a total waste of time and money! Don’t even bother giving it a shot – you’ll be sorely disappointed. The profiles are outdated and there aren’t many active users on the site anyway. Plus, their customer service isn’t great either; they don’t respond to inquiries quickly or helpfully at all! Save yourself some trouble and stay away from this one – trust me when I say that your time would be better spent elsewhere!

Snabbflirt in 10 seconds

  • Snabbflirt is a dating site that uses an advanced matching algorithm to help users find compatible matches.
  • The algorithm considers age, location, interests, and other preferences to suggest potential partners.
  • Snabbflirt offers both free and premium subscriptions, with prices ranging from $9.99 to $29.99 per month.
  • There is also an app available for both iOS and Android devices.
  • Compared to similar sites on the market, Snabbflirt is moderately priced.
  • The site has strong privacy and security measures in place to protect user data.
  • Special features include a “Spark” button which allows users to quickly connect with potential matches.
  • Users can also filter their search results by age, location, and other criteria.
  • Snabbflirt also offers a “Boost” feature which increases the visibility of a user’s profile.
  • The site also has a “Flirtcast” feature which allows users to send out mass messages to multiple people at once.

Pros & Cons

  • Easy to use and navigate – perfect for beginners!
  • Quick sign up process – no need to waste time filling out long forms.
  • Offers a variety of features, including chatrooms and video calls, making it easy to connect with potential matches.
  • Limited profile information available for users.
  • Not many active members on the site.
  • Messaging is only possible with a paid subscription.
  • No video chat option to get to know someone better before meeting in person.
  • User profiles are not verified, so it’s hard to tell if they’re real or fake.

How we reviewed Snabbflirt

To review Snabbflirt, my team and I took a comprehensive approach. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site to get an accurate assessment. To ensure we got as much out of our experience as possible, we sent over 100 messages in total – 50 on each version – during our two-week testing period. This allowed us to gain insight into how users interacted with one another on this dating platform from multiple perspectives (free vs paid). We also spent time analyzing features such as profile creation processes, user interface design elements, messaging capabilities etc., so that readers can make informed decisions about their own experiences when using Snabbflirt for online dating purposes. Additionally, we reviewed customer service support options available through various channels including email and social media platforms like Twitter & Facebook; these are essential resources for customers who may have questions or need assistance while navigating through the website’s offerings. Finally – but certainly not least –we verified all data points provided by third party sources regarding traffic volume statistics which help give potential customers an idea of what kind of activity they could expect if they decide to use this particular online dating platform in question here: SnabbFlirt!
At DatingReviews101,we take pride in providing thorough reviews that go beyond just surface level observations; it is only after taking every step necessary do we feel confident enough offering up honest assessments about any given product or service being discussed.

Help & Support

If you’re looking for support from Snabbflirt, don’t hold your breath. This online dating site is notorious for its terrible customer service and long response times. Forget about finding answers to your questions on their website – there isn’t even a page with frequently asked questions!

I’ve tried contacting them several times but it’s like talking to a brick wall; I never get any kind of response or the answer doesn’t satisfy me at all. It’s as if they’re not interested in helping out users who are having trouble navigating through the site or understanding how it works. Even when I managed to get an answer, it was usually just generic advice that didn’t help much anyway – no wonder why so many people have given up trying and decided not use this platform anymore!

It seems like they couldn’t care less about providing good customer service because honestly, what other explanation could there be? If you want someone actually listening to your issues then look elsewhere because Snabbflirt won’t give you anything close resembling decent support services anytime soon…if ever! Don’t waste time expecting them do something useful either; chances are slim-to-none that will happen since nothing has changed over the years despite countless complaints by frustrated customers who got fed up waiting forever only getting unsatisfactory responses (or none at all). So unless things change drastically in near future my advice would be: steer clear of this place altogether if seeking assistance is important factor for choosing which dating sites suits best one needs…

Signing up

Registering on Snabbflirt is a piece of cake! All you need to do is fill out some basic information and boom, you’re ready to go. The first step in the registration process requires users to provide their gender as well as the gender they are interested in meeting. Then comes your age – it has be at least 18 years old for using this dating site. After that, all that’s left is creating an account with a username and password – easy peasy!

Once these steps have been completed, users will be asked about themselves such as their physical appearance (height/weight), ethnicity, relationship status etc., so other members can get an idea of who they are before contacting them or viewing their profile page further down the line. This part may take longer than expected since there’s quite a lot of questions but don’t worry – it won’t take forever! After filling out those details its time for what I like call “the fun stuff". Here users will answer more personal questions regarding lifestyle choices such hobbies & interests which make up someone’s personality-type; things like music taste or favorite books help give others insight into who they really are beyond just looks alone…plus let’s face it: we all want our potential dates know how cool we actually are right?

Lastly when registering on Snabbflirt there’ll also be sections where one can add photos & videos if desired along with writing something creative about oneself too…so think outside box here people because why not stand from crowd?! Plus having extra content helps attract attention from fellow daters looking around online 🙂 And best thing yet? It doesn’t cost anything register either so why not check it out today!?

  • These are the requirements to register on Snabbflirt:
  • A valid email address
  • A profile picture
  • A user name
  • A password
  • An age verification
  • A valid phone number (optional)
  • A valid credit card (optional)

Design & Usability

Snabbflirt is a dating site that promises to help you find love in no time. But, if I’m being honest, the design and usability of this website leave much to be desired. The colors are drab and uninspiring; it looks like they used some sort of pre-made template from an early 2000s era web designer’s toolkit! The overall look isn’t particularly modern or attractive – which is kind of ironic considering its purpose as a dating site. As far as usability goes, Snabbflirt could use some serious improvements too. Navigating around the page can feel clunky at times due to poor organization and lack of intuitive features like drop down menus or auto complete search bars for example. It also doesn’t have any helpful tutorials on how best to use their services either – so new users might struggle initially with understanding what all the different options mean until they get more familiar with them over time (which could take quite awhile).
What’s worse though? If you want better UI/UX then your only option seems to be upgrading your account by paying for one of their subscription plans… talk about nickel-and-diming people! To me that just screams “buyer beware!" So unless you’re really desperate for someone special in your life – my advice would be steer clear away from Snabbflirt altogether because there are definitely better designed sites out there worth investing into instead…

Security & Safety

If you’re looking for a dating app that promises safety and security, Snabbflirt isn’t the one. It has no verification process to ensure users are who they say they are, so it’s easy for bots or fake accounts to slip through the cracks. Plus there’s no two-step authentication available either – which is pretty much standard these days when it comes to online security measures.

And don’t even get me started on their photo review policy (or lack thereof). Photos aren’t manually reviewed before being posted – meaning anyone can post whatever photos they want without any kind of moderation from Snabbflirt staff! Not cool at all if you ask me…
What about privacy? Well let’s just say I wouldn’t be surprised if your data ends up in some shady hands sooner rather than later because this app doesn’t seem too concerned with protecting its user information either way. And trust me when I tell ya that ain’t good news!

All in all, if safety and security is what you’re after then look elsewhere ’cause Snabbflirt won’t do ya any favors here!


If you’re looking for a dating site, Snabbflirt might seem like an attractive option at first. But don’t be fooled – this website isn’t free! Sure, they offer some basic features without having to pay anything but if you want the full experience then you’ll have to fork out some cash.

The paid subscription gives access to more advanced features such as seeing who has viewed your profile and being able to send unlimited messages. While these benefits are nice, it’s hard not feel taken advantage of when considering their prices – which aren’t exactly competitive either! Ugh… talk about getting ripped off!

All in all I wouldn’t recommend signing up with Snabbflirt unless you really need those extra bells and whistles that come with the paid membership – otherwise there are plenty of other sites out there that won’t cost an arm and a leg just so can find someone special online.

Plan Price Features
Free 0 Create profile, search for matches
Basic 10 Unlimited messaging, see who likes you
Plus 20 Advanced search filters, incognito mode
VIP 30 Read receipts, priority customer support

Similar Sites

Other popular dating sites include OkCupid, Match.com, and eHarmony. These sites offer a variety of features to help you find the perfect match for you. Additionally, there are many free online dating apps such as Tinder and Bumble that allow users to quickly connect with potential partners in their area.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OkCupid
  • Tinder
  • Bumble

Best for

  • Best for people who are looking to meet someone new.
  • Best for those seeking a casual relationship or fling.
  • Best for individuals interested in exploring their sexuality and/or gender identity without commitment.


1. Is Snabbflirt safe?

Snabbflirt is definitely not safe. I wouldn’t trust it with my personal information and there have been a lot of reports about scammers on the site. It’s probably best to stay away from this one!

2. Does Snabbflirt have a mobile app?

No, Snabbflirt doesn’t have a mobile app. That’s really disappointing because it would make the dating experience so much easier. I wish they had one!

3. Is Snabbflirt any good?

Snabbflirt is definitely not worth your time. It’s a total waste of money and the matches are totally unreliable. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone looking for an online dating experience.

4. Is Snabbflirt real?

Yes, Snabbflirt is real. But it’s not worth your time – the profiles are fake and you won’t find anyone genuine there. It’s a waste of energy and money to use this dating site.

Kim Seltzer

Kim Seltzer is an online dating expert who has been helping singles find love for over a decade. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Psychology and Cognitive Science from the University of California, Berkeley, and has since gone on to pursue her Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology at Pepperdine University. Her expertise lies not only within the field of psychology but also with technology as she loves exploring new trends when it comes to online dating sites and apps. Kim believes that by using her knowledge about relationships combined with technological advancements, she can help people make better decisions when it comes to finding their perfect match through digital platforms. In addition to being an author for various publications such as The Huffington Post & Cosmopolitan Magazine where she writes reviews on different types of dating websites or applications; Kim is also a frequent speaker at conferences across North America discussing topics related to modern day romance like “How To Spot A Fake Profile On Dating Apps” or “Navigating Online Dating For Successful Relationships". Her passion towards this subject matter was ignited during college after attending numerous lectures which focused heavily on how human behavior affects our ability form meaningful connections both offline & digitally alike – something that continues driving her today!

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