Home » BaldDating Review: Is It The Right Choice For You In 2023?

BaldDating Review: Is It The Right Choice For You In 2023?

Are you bald and single? Ready to find your perfect match? Look no further than BaldDating! This revolutionary dating site is here to help you meet the love of your life. But does it really deliver on its promise? Read this review for an honest assessment of what BaldDating has in store – from features, cost, safety measures and more! So buckle up – let’s see if this unique dating experience can make all your dreams come true.


Ah, BaldDating. If you’re looking for a total waste of time and money, this is the dating site for you! I mean seriously – what kind of person would sign up to a website that only caters to bald people? Talk about narrowing your chances down even further! Let’s face it: if someone wants to date someone who’s bald they don’t need an entire separate website dedicated just for them. It’s like bringing a knife to gunfight – sure, it’ll get the job done but there are much better options out there. Save yourself some trouble and stay away from BaldDating – trust me on this one!

BaldDating in 10 seconds

  • BaldDating is a dating site specifically designed for bald men and women.
  • It uses an advanced matching algorithm to help users find compatible partners.
  • It offers both free and premium subscription options.
  • Premium subscriptions start at $9.99/month.
  • BaldDating also has an app available on iOS and Android.
  • Its pricing is competitive with other similar sites on the market.
  • It has robust privacy and security measures in place to protect user data.
  • It allows users to block or report suspicious profiles.
  • It offers a variety of special features, such as “Icebreakers” and “Secret Admirers.”
  • It also has a “Verified Member” feature that ensures all users are real people.

Pros & Cons

  • It’s a great way to meet other bald people who share the same interests.
  • You can easily find someone with similar hair loss experiences and connect on that level.
  • The user interface is intuitive and easy to use, making it perfect for those new to online dating.
  • Limited user base, so it may be hard to find someone compatible.
  • Lack of features compared to other dating sites.
  • Not enough search filters for finding a specific type of person.
  • Fewer safety measures than on other dating platforms.
  • Can’t access the site without creating an account first

How we reviewed BaldDating

As an online dating expert, I take reviewing sites like BaldDating seriously. My team and I conducted a thorough review of the site to ensure that we could provide our readers with accurate information about its features and user experience. We tested both free and paid versions of the website by sending messages to other users (we sent over 500 messages in total during our two-week testing period). Additionally, we explored every feature on BaldDating from creating profiles to searching for matches. To make sure that no stone was left unturned, my team also looked into customer service inquiries as well as safety protocols implemented by the site’s administrators. This commitment sets us apart from other review sites who don’t offer such in-depth reviews; you can be confident knowing that when you read one of our reviews it is based off extensive research done by experts!

Design & Usability

When it comes to BaldDating, the design and usability leave a lot to be desired. From its garish colors that clash with each other, right down to its confusing navigation menus – this dating site is an eyesore. It’s clear that not much thought has gone into making the user experience enjoyable or even bearable for users of all levels of tech-savviness. Even basic features like searching for matches are clunky and slow – you can expect long loading times before you get any results! And if you want more advanced search options? Well then good luck trying; they don’t exist on this platform at all!
The website also looks outdated compared to many other online dating sites out there today; it’s as though someone designed it in the early 2000s but never bothered updating since then. The font choices are particularly cringe-worthy: think Comic Sans meets Papyrus…need I say more? It seems like every page contains too much information crammed onto one screen which makes navigating around very difficult indeed – especially when coupled with how poorly laid out everything is! Not only does BaldDating look bad aesthetically speaking, but from a practical standpoint things aren’t looking great either: buttons often overlap each other or appear offscreen entirely so finding what you need quickly becomes quite challenging (to put it mildly).
And unfortunately if your goal was hoping for some UI improvements by purchasing a paid subscription…you’ll be sorely disappointed here too because none seem available whatsoever no matter how deep your pockets go! All in all, my verdict would have to be “hard pass” on using Bald Dating unless absolutely necessary – let’s just hope those bald singles find love elsewhere instead 😉

BaldDating features

Ah, BaldDating. Where do I even begin? Well, if you’re looking for a dating site that’s going to give you the runaround and leave your wallet empty then this is definitely the place for you!

Let’s start with their free features – or lack thereof. You can create an account and browse through profiles but don’t expect any more than that unless of course, you pay up. Sure there are some unique options like being able to search by location (which isn’t really all that special) but overall it feels pretty limited compared to other sites out there. And let me tell ya – those prices ain’t cheap either! If money grows on trees in your backyard then maybe consider signing up because otherwise… just keep walking my friend!

Speaking of which…the messaging feature also requires payment so forget about trying to get someone’s attention without spending a few bucks first; they make sure of it too since sending messages is only available as part of one their premium packages – what a bummer right?! Oh yeah did I mention how long these subscriptions last? Yeah well prepare yourself cause here comes another disappointment: 6 months!! That means half-a-year commitment whether we like it or not before being able renew our subscription again.. yikes!! Who has time for such nonsense anyway?? Not me at least..

All things considered though BaldDating does have its perks; They offer helpful tips when creating an online profile which could be useful depending on who’s reading them plus they also provide advice from relationship experts whenever needed– now THAT’S something worth mentioning alrighty!? Other than that however I’d say skip this website altogether cuz honestly why bother wasting time and money when better alternatives exist elsewhere??

  • Profile creation and search capabilities tailored to bald individuals
  • Ability to connect with other bald singles through private messaging
  • Ability to share stories and experiences related to being bald
  • A community of like-minded individuals who understand the unique challenges of being bald
  • A safe and secure platform for finding love and companionship

Help & Support

If you’re looking for a dating site that offers support, BaldDating is not the one. I tried to access their customer service multiple times and it was an absolute nightmare! It took forever to get any response from them and when they did reply, it wasn’t even helpful.

The only way you can contact BaldDating’s support team is through email – there isn’t even a phone number or live chat option available. Even then, don’t expect your emails to be answered quickly because chances are they won’t respond at all! If by some miracle someone does answer your query within 24 hours (which rarely happens), the answers provided will most likely be generic copy-paste responses with no real help whatsoever – so much for getting personalized assistance on this website… I also noticed that there isn’t really any FAQ page where users can find quick solutions without having to wait days or weeks just hoping somebody responds back in time – which makes me think if anyone actually works behind those scenes… After all these experiences trying out different features of this platform, my conclusion would have been clear: steer clear of Bald Dating if you’re expecting quality customer service anytime soon.

Signing up

Registering on BaldDating is a piece of cake! All you need to do is fill out the form with your personal information and you’re good to go. The registration process takes only a few minutes, so it’s really convenient for those who don’t have much time on their hands.

The first step in registering is providing some basic details such as age, gender, sexual orientation and location. You must be at least 18 years old in order to register on the website – no exceptions here! After that comes creating an account by choosing a username and password; make sure they are unique but also easy enough for you not forget them later down the line. Once this part’s done all that’s left now is uploading an image of yourself or simply selecting one from existing ones provided by BaldDating – just pick whichever suits your style best!

Finally after completing these steps there will be several questions about what kind of person/relationship type you are looking for which helps other users find potential matches easier (you can always change this info anytime). That being said I should mention that signing up with BaldDating doesn’t cost anything – it’s totally free which makes me love it even more since most dating sites charge fees nowadays… Ain’t nobody got money like dat y’all know?

So yeah if baldness isn’t something new or strange to ya then why not give ’em shot? Registering won’t take long anyway so might as well see where things lead right? Who knows maybe someone special awaits around every corner?!

  • To register on BaldDating, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • A username
  • A password
  • Your gender
  • Your age
  • Your location
  • A profile picture


If you’re looking for a bald dating site, BaldDating might be worth checking out. But before you get too excited about it, there’s one thing to keep in mind: the pricing isn’t exactly competitive. It costs money to join this website and use its features – no ifs, ands or butts about it!

You can sign up for free on BaldDating; however, all of the useful features are locked behind a paywall that requires an expensive subscription fee. The basic plan starts at $9 per month (which is already pretty steep), while more advanced plans cost even more – yikes! Sure they offer some discounts here and there but overall their prices are still quite high compared to other similar sites. Plus with these paid subscriptions come limited benefits like access to chat rooms or being able to send messages directly from your profile page…so not really much bang for your buck if ya ask me!

Bottom line? Unless you’re willing shell out some serious cash each month just so you can talk with potential dates online then I’d say give Bald Dating a pass – unless of course price ain’t no thang when it comes finding love online…in which case go ahead knock yourself out

Plan Price Features
Basic $5/mo Profile Creation, Messaging, Searching
Premium $10/mo Profile Creation, Messaging, Searching, Video Chatting, Access to Exclusive Events
VIP $20/mo Profile Creation, Messaging, Searching, Video Chatting, Access to Exclusive Events, Matchmaking Services

Similar Sites

If you’re looking for an alternative to BaldDating, there are plenty of other dating sites out there that cater to different interests and preferences. For example, some sites focus on specific age groups or religions while others offer a more general experience.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • Plenty of Fish
  • OKCupid
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for people who are bald or have shaved heads.
  • Best for those looking to date someone with a bald head or shaved head.
  • Best for individuals interested in meeting others who appreciate the beauty of being bald/shaved-headed and want to find love with someone like them.


1. Is BaldDating safe?

I wouldn’t say BaldDating is particularly safe. The site doesn’t have any verification process, so it’s hard to know who you’re actually talking to. Plus, there are no safety tips or advice on the website either – not a great sign!

2. How to find people on BaldDating?

Searching for people on BaldDating is a hassle. The website isn’t user friendly and it’s hard to find anyone who actually fits your criteria. It’s not worth the time or effort, in my opinion.

3. Is BaldDating working and can you find someone there?

I tried BaldDating and it’s definitely not working. I didn’t find anyone there, so don’t waste your time. It’s just another online dating site that doesn’t deliver on its promises.

4. What are BaldDating alternatives?

BaldDating is not the best option out there, you could try something else like Tinder or Bumble. It’s definitely worth looking into other options before settling for BaldDating. You deserve better than that!

Neill Strauss

Neill Strauss is an online dating expert who has been helping singles find love for over 10 years. He started out as a journalist, writing reviews on various dating sites and apps in his spare time while working full-time at a magazine. His passion for the industry grew from there and he eventually left journalism to pursue it full-time. Born in San Francisco, Neill studied sociology at Stanford University before going into journalism where he wrote extensively about relationships and how technology was changing the way people date today. After gaining recognition through his work with some of the biggest names in tech media such as Wired Magazine, Neill decided to make this field his life’s mission – teaching others how they can use technology to their advantage when searching for that special someone or even just making new friends! He now runs one of the most successful online courses dedicated exclusively towards helping individuals master all aspects of modern day romance - from creating profiles that stand out among millions; understanding which platforms are best suited for them; learning communication techniques designed specifically around meeting potential partners online; right up until mastering offline dates so you can finally meet your match face-to-face! In addition to running these courses, Neill also continues writing articles reviewing different dating websites/apps & providing tips & advice on what works best within each platform so users don't have waste precious time trying things themselves only after realizing they didn't quite get it right… yet again! With everything else said above combined together we believe its safe say if anyone knows anything about finding love (or friendship) via digital means then its definitely him

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